Social commitment & Sustainability

Togehter for the future, for us!

Social commitment

Local commitment and global responsibility

As a steadily growing company, we regularly support projects in the region that are close to our hearts. Many of them here in Goch, where our company headquarters are located. We help finance new sports facilities, sponsor bees and support schools with PCs and laptops. We are also partners of internationally active aid organisations such as Aktion Pro Humanität, which provides humanitarian aid in Benin and Niger. In the following, we present some of the projects and actions that we have been able to support up to now.


Sustainable upgrades for a longer IT life

Did you know? At macle, the range of new hardware and used, refurbished systems and components is on an equal footing. This means for our customers: We provide support in every respect when it comes to designing – and maintaining – a functioning and sustainable IT environment. There is no need then for existing infrastructure to be regularly retreaded. Practical upgrades and the proper spare parts often extend the life of the hardware. Even the initial equipment is not always the latest generation of hardware. Another sustainable solution is to rent or lease hardware through our Hardware as a Service offering.

Our environmental management

Saving resources at macle

Sustainability is not an advertising slogan for us, but a part of our philosophy. With our environmental management, we design our operations to be as sustainable as possible and also try to make our contribution to the preservation of nature. For example, we currently produce around 36,000 kWh of electricity annually with the solar system on our company roof. This saves us a total of ca. 25.2 tonnes of CO2 per year. An expansion of the facility is already being planned to further improve of our CO2 footprint.

For the sake of the environment

Environmentally sound disposal in compliance with regulations

We also assume responsibility when it comes to disposing of old hardware. We are listed with the Foundation for Waste Electrical Equipment Register under Reg. Nr. DE 3538 3208. In this way, we guarantee the take-back of electronic equipment in accordance with the requirements of the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). Used rechargeable batteries and batteries are also returnable to us free of charge. We take care of the proper disposal of the all energy cells sold by us. Simply send us the old batteries and rechargeable batteries by post with a short note about disposal – we handle the rest.


Packaging, waste batteries and electro-disposal

We always consider IT life cycles in their entirety. As a result, our environmental awareness is not limited to the sale and delivery of our products – as a full-service provider, we never leave our customers stranded with packaging and disused hardware.

Of course, we take back waste packaging in accordance with the regulations, provided that we are the first distributor pursuant to the Packaging Ordinance. We recycle or dispose of electrical and electronic waste pursuant to the ElektroG Ordinance. And we also strictly adhere to the regulations of the Battery Act when taking back and disposing of your old and used batteries or rechargeable batteries. Certified, reliable and conscientious. Should you have any queries, please contact our Customer Care department.

More questions?

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+49 (0) 2823 4190 0

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